Kenapa Ramai Liat Bayar PTPTNNasir 6:09 PM Patut la pun,,sebab di kira-kira memang byak gak ler...aduh :) 2 comments.. read them below or add one Hakimi Reza 17/11/10 6:59 PM Aku study tak pinjam duiT PTPTN..aku pinjam duit Along~~X payah dok ssh nak kira2...klu x byr jer..kena potong telingahahahaa Nasir 18/11/10 7:54 AM patut la~~telinga hang makin lama makin pendek,,hahaha click the icon and copy the shortcodeTo insert emoticon you must added at least one space before the code. Next post: Khidmat Terbaru Di Mekah !!!Prev post: Jangan Guna Bye, Semekom, Asmekom!
aku pinjam duit Along~~
X payah dok ssh nak kira2...
klu x byr jer..kena potong telinga